Never A Cross Word: A Remembrance

May 12, 2013

Throughout life, we meet many people, and make many friends. But we only get one first, best friend. And if you’re lucky, that person is your mom.

I was that lucky.

If we shared one thing in common, she and I, it was a love of words. At the age of 12, as I lay in my hospital bed recovering from surgery, Mom slept by my bedside every night. By day, she and I would play word games, and do her beloved New York Times crossword puzzles together. She taught me all the tricks to cracking even the trickiest clues, and happily watched as I learned to arrive at the answers I’m sure she already knew.

As I grew older, I got better at solving even the more difficult puzzles. I remember now how we’d commiserate — the beginning of the week was always easy, but come the weekend, the clues were tougher and sometimes, even impossible to solve. Just a few short weeks ago, this time as I sat by her hospital bed, I began to do what’s normally a pretty tough Friday puzzle, which I’d brought to pass the time. I filled in a few squares, then some more, until eventually (to my utter shock) I’d finished the whole thing.

We were the only two in the room, and as she slept I leaned close and whispered in her ear.

“You brought me luck.”

I didn’t mean just that day.

I meant always.



~ With love and gratitude, to my good luck charm, now and forever. ~



2 Responses to “Never A Cross Word: A Remembrance”

  1. Cheryl said

    A lovely remembrance of your mom.

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